"We have 51 golf courses in Palm Springs. He [President Ford] never decides which course he will play until after the first tee shot"

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We have 51 golf courses in Palm Springs. He [President Ford] never decides which course he will play until after the first tee shot

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About the Author: Bob Hope

Bob Hope
Leslie Townes "Bob" Hope KBE was a British-American stand-up comedian, vaudevillian, actor, singer, dancer, athlete and author.

Born: 29 May 1903, Eltham, London
Died: 27 July 2003, Toluca Lake, Los Angeles, California, United States
Spouse: Dolores Hope (m. 1934–2003), Grace Louise Troxell (m. 1933–1934)
Children: Linda Hope, William Kelly Francis Hope, Anthony J. Hope, Eleanora Hope

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