"Every golfer can expect to have four bad shots in a round and when you do, just put them out of your mind. This, of course is hard to do when you’ve had them and you’re not even off the first tee."

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Every golfer can expect to have four bad shots in a round and when you do, just put them out of your mind. This, of course is hard to do when you’ve had them and you’re not even off the first tee.

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About the Author: Walter Hagen

Walter Hagen
Walter Charles Hagen was an American professional golfer and a major figure in golf in the first half of the 20th century. His tally of 11 professional majors is third behind Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.

Born: 21 December 1892, Rochester, New York, United States
Died: 6 October 1969, Traverse City, Michigan, United States
Spouse: Edna C. Straus (m. 1923–1937), Margaret Johnson (m. 1917–1921)
Children: Walter Hagen Jr.

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