"Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good."

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Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.

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Last updated on 9 October 2024 6:56 am

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It's been moved onto the naughty step

And if it continues to disappoint it's a goner...yes we are harsh like that

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About the Author: Johnny Miller

Johnny Miller
John Laurence Miller is an American former professional golfer. He was one of the top players in the world during the mid-1970s.

Born: 29 April 1947, San Francisco, California, United States
Height: 1.88 m
Spouse: Linda Miller
World Golf Hall of Fame: 1998
Children: Andy Miller, Casie Miller, John Miller Jr., Kelly Miller, Todd Miller, Scott Miller
Parents: Larry Otto Miller, Ida Meldrum
Siblings: Joan Carver, Sharon Lynne Miller

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