"I’ve never been to heaven, and thinking back on my life, I probably won’t get a chance to go. I guess winning the Masters is as close as I’m going to get."

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I’ve never been to heaven, and thinking back on my life, I probably won’t get a chance to go. I guess winning the Masters is as close as I’m going to get.

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Amazon price updated: 15 January 2025 7:54 am

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About the Author: Fuzzy Zoeller

Fuzzy Zoeller
Frank Urban "Fuzzy" Zoeller Jr. is an American professional golfer who has won ten PGA Tour events including two major championships.

He is one of three golfers to have won the Masters Tournament in his first appearance in the event. He also won the 1984 U.S. Open, which earned him the 1985 Bob Jones Award. Born: 11 November 1951, New Albany, Indiana, United States
Spouse: Diane Thornton Zoeller
College: Edison Junior College (FL); University of Houston
Residence: Floyds Knobs, Indiana
U.S. Open: Won: 1984
Children: Gretchen Marie Zoeller, Miles Remington Zoeller, Sunny Noel Zoeller, Heidi Leigh Zoeller

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