"Tempo is the glue that sticks all elements of the golf swing together"

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Tempo is the glue that sticks all elements of the golf swing together

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About the Author: Nick Faldo

Nick Faldo
Sir Nicholas Alexander Faldo, MBE is an English professional golfer who is now mainly an on-air golf analyst. A top player of his era, renowned for his dedication to the game, he was ranked No. 1 on the Official World Golf Ranking for a total of 97 weeks.

Born: 18 July 1957 Welwyn Garden City
Spouse: Valerie Bercher (m. 2001–2006), Gill Bennett (m. 1986–1998), Melanie Rockall (m. 1979–1984)
Children: Matthew Faldo, Natalie Faldo, Georgia Faldo, Emma Scarlet Faldo

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