"Golf is the loneliest sport. You’re completely alone with every conceivable opportunity to defeat yourself."

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Golf is the loneliest sport. You’re completely alone with every conceivable opportunity to defeat yourself.

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Amazon price updated: 18 February 2025 3:08 pm

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About the Author: Hale Irwin

Hale Irwin
Hale S. Irwin is an American professional golfer. He was one of the world's leading golfers from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s.

He is one of the few players in history to win three U.S. Opens, becoming the oldest ever U.S. Open champion in 1990 at the age of 45.

Born: 3 June 1945 Joplin, Missouri, United States
Champions Tour Player of the Year: 1997, 1998, 2002
World Golf Hall of Fame: 1992
Champions Tour Rookie of the Year: 1995
Spouse: Sally Irwin (m. 1968), Sally Irwin

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